Cost Optimisation
November 8, 2023

5 Advanced Techniques for Optimizing Inventory in Large Enterprises

Explore advanced techniques top enterprises like Apple use to optimize inventory.
Romain Fayolle

Consider the scenario of the next iPhone release. Imagine the potential chaos if the company runs out of stock within hours of launching. This isn't just a hypothetical nightmare; for large corporations, managing inventory levels is a complex, real-world challenge they confront regularly while striving to deliver exceptional customer service. Excelling in inventory management is not merely a vital business metric; it's a sophisticated blend of scientific precision and creative strategy, particularly for industry leaders like Apple. 

During high-profile product launches like that of a new iPhone model, these companies face the intricate task of striking the perfect balance between demand and supply. They must skillfully avoid both overstocking and stockouts. So, what are the sophisticated strategies that these behemoths use to fine-tune their inventory management? Let's delve into the advanced methodologies that major businesses implement to streamline and optimize their inventory processes.

1. Demand Forecasting with Advanced Analytics

One of the primary challenges in inventory management is predicting how much stock of a product variant will be needed. Large enterprises often turn to advanced analytics to make these predictions. By analyzing past sales data, market trends, and even external factors like economic indicators or seasonal changes, companies can make informed predictions about future demand. For instance, Apple might analyze the sales of its previous iPhone models, combined with market anticipation, to forecast the demand for a new release.

2. Just-In-Time (JIT) Inventory Management

The JIT approach, originating from Japanese manufacturing, is all about efficiency. It involves receiving goods only when they are needed, reducing inventory costs and waste. This method requires a deep understanding of your supply chain and precise production planning. For a company like Apple or Samsung, this might mean coordinating with multiple suppliers to ensure that components for their devices arrive just as they're needed on the assembly line.

3. Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI)

In a VMI setup, the supplier manages the inventory levels for the business. This approach can lead to reduced stockouts and lower inventory levels. It also reduces the headache for the company with managing the inventory for those components. Usually, this is done for the components that are less significant and might be needed in bulk. A company like Apple might use VMI with trusted suppliers, allowing them to monitor stock levels in real time and replenish as needed. This not only reduces the burden but also fosters a strong supplier relationship.

4. Smart Warehousing

Like other parts of the supply chain, the warehousing segment is also becoming ‘smart.’ Sensors can track products in real time, ensuring optimal storage conditions and faster pick, pack, and dispatch. For instance, a company dealing with multiple SKUs deploys barcode scanners, conveyors, cameras, or other sensors to monitor the load on the warehouse and enable the resourcing accordingly. A tech company might use them to track high-value items, ensuring they are stored securely.

Amazon's entire supply chain is dependent on the intelligent warehousing systems they have across the warehouses, which enables them to manage their workforce on a real-time basis.

Fun fact: do you know that in an Amazon warehouse, the items are stored wherever they find the space for them and not categorized in any particular fashion? It sounds counter-intuitive against standard warehousing, but this saves Amazon warehouses tons of time sorting and organizing the inbound shipments.

5. Holistic View with Integrated Systems

For large enterprises, inventory doesn't exist in isolation. It's connected to various other aspects of the business, from procurement to sales. Integrated systems ensure that all these different functions communicate seamlessly. When sales data indicates a surge in demand, the procurement and inventory systems adjust in real-time. This ensures the entire supply chain operates in sync and helps avoid the bullwhip effect.

Holocene's Role in Advanced Inventory Management

For big businesses, the stakes are high, and optimizing inventory is not just a need; it should be the standard way of working. But it requires a blend of advanced techniques, technology, and strategy. While the challenges are many, with the right approach, companies can ensure they always have the right products in the right quantities at the right time. As the business evolves further, companies that master this art will undoubtedly lead the way.

And with tools like Holocene's offerings, you have the perfect ally to navigate this data-driven landscape. Solutions offered by Holocene can change the company's approach to inventory management. Holocene's platform integrates various aspects of the supply chain, offering a unified view crucial for big companies. By providing real-time data and insights, it aids businesses in making informed decisions, ensuring that inventory levels are continuously optimized.